malo drugačno ustvarjanje



jesen je čas, ko nas narava bogato obdari. otroci to zelo dobro vedo in ni ga dneva, ko se moj sin ne bi vrnil s sprehoda s kakšnim čudovitim storžem, listom ali želodom. ker nisem vedela, kaj bi s vsemi zbranimi zakladi, sem se spontano odločila, da iz njih pripravimo majhne nagrobne aranžmane za nam ljube osebe. edini strošek, je predstavljal nakup gobe za aranžiranje cvetja.

uporabili smo:
  • gobo za aranžiranje cvetja
  • plastični lonček, ki ostane od nakupa sadik ali rožic
  • par kamenčkov, da smo lonček otežili
  • poljubne vejice smreke, bora in ciprese
  • storže in že posušene jesenske liste

oblikovanje aranžmana je stvar osebnega okusa, lahko bi dodali tudi rezano cvetje, a mi smo želeli uporabiti le stvari, ki smo jih nabrali v naravi sami.

najpomembnejši del ustvarjanja, pa je zame predstavljal pogovor z otroci, o izgubljenih osebah, katerih grobove bomo obiskali, saj nekaterih nista nikoli spoznala. na koncu ustvarjanja me sin čisto nepričakovano povprašal o svoji pokojni vzgojiteljici. mama, ona je umrla? ja, mika. kje pa je pokopana? mu odgovorim in vprašam zakaj? in on, s toliko občutka in iskrenosti, kot ga lahko premore samo otrok pove, ker bi  ji jaz tako rad šel prižgati svečko. bomo, mika, bomo.




Last week was ... full of moments I left my comfort zone.
Visiting the school my girl will attend, was like surreal, just yesterday we were strolling her around, changing diapers (thank God thats over) and now school?! 6 years can fly by, believe me. Finally feeling so much better I put a skirt on and then, after therapy feeling so bad, so I couldn't meet up with my ig girlfriends in Ljubljana. Yesterday and today by brand mia & mika is at BazArt at Fürst haus in Ptuj. You can visit us also between the tradicional carnaval that will be today, just come and say hi // I am the swan.


Last week I was finally, after a very long long time feeling better, feeling a little bit more like myself, again.
I had to celebrate this, so I took myself to my first real sushi restaurant and had a vegan feast.

I just love the roses I got for my son's birthday, looking great still after 6 days.

My mia & mika brand / shop is slowly growing! That makes me so truly happy, I can not describe it. In all this time, I was so sick, that I couldn not even dress myself, I was thinking about this... how I would start, how I would make beautiful little baby moccasins from the best vegetable tanned leather that is toxic and chrome free... and now I making them and they are getting great reviews from my first customers. Thanks to each and single one of you, who believed in me and my moccasins, you know who you are! 
For spring I started to make some new colorful models, you can see them soon in my store but you can also follow me on &
instagram @miaandmika_shop.

I am still vegan and I will stick to it, because I just feel so much better that it is hard to describe. This is my vegan avocado & sweet pepper sandwich that got me the most likes on instagram last week, funny but really  delicious!

Have a nice Sunday everyone & till my next post I wish you all the best,
love Jelena




 I tackled my first routine goals for September and here are my thoughts:

  • if you want to wake up early, go to bed earlier

  • when the alarm clock is on, just stand up and start the day, regardless how good it would be to lie in the bed a few minutes more... 

  • if you find a fun and efficient exercise routine you will also do it, if it isn't the first or the second, you won't stick to it, the pure truth

  • you would like to try something new, or try something again, just do it, don't wait, look up for classes, look up for prices and schedules and just call and arrange you first class, because later mostly becomes never, never ever

  • you daydream about something, maybe it's time to do something more then just dream, invest your time and thought into it and follow your instinct, because the time in now

I hope my simple and short advice inspired you, but maybe you have something to add? 





This week was special, with a lot of firsts. The first visit with the kids to the mountains. I tried a lot of new vegan recipes as you can see and found some vegan ice cream in Maribor, but sadly my homemade ice is still better.  I even "by-the-way" found some perfect leather ballerinas and trousers, that never happens.

But, the pictures of the refuges, can't go out of my mind...

What I have learned at 32



Today is my birthday, 32 to be exact, so I wanted to write a short, honest and say meaningful list of all the things I learned so far

  • Health - is more important than you think, do not wait till you lose it, to cherish it.
  • Time is relative - we can do a lot of things in life, but maybe not all at once.
  • Motherhood - is the hardest and the most important thing I will ever do in my life.
  • Learn to let go - things and people.
  • Everything happens for a reason - they say: "God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers".
  • Nature - enjoy it, there is nothing more to ad.
  • Read.
  • Intuition - follow it,  as Albert (Einstein) said, the only real valuable thing is intuition. 
  • Simplify - everything and stop with the glorification of busy.
  • Fashion - if you decide to buy a pair of expensive shoes, buy a pair you will wear everyday. 
& remember (my favourite quote for life) TOMORROW ISN'T PROMISED! The time is NOW! 

How I became a vegan



How I became a vegan? Overnight. Yes, simple as that.

The longer story goes something like this. The last few months I had severe problems with my sensitive skin. I had this all my life, but for the last 10 years, I kept things under control, mostly with homeopathy. This winter I knew it wasn't going to be enough and so in I turned to vaidya Nithi Subramaniam, more about him you can find here.

Now I am only eating vegan food, he advised me to, for more then one month, and I must say, I just feel great. Really great. Not that my health problems are solved, far from that, but I achieved so much already, just with my simple vegan diet. It's funny how we all eat the industrially processed food we like and we are having "party's in our mouth" but we don't see the big picture. Our health and our wellbeing. Sometime this is hard to acknowledge, but it's never to late to change. So now you know why I wasn't blogging… and what did you eat for lunch?