

Yes, after a month I can say I am a full time working mom and I love it! The feeling I get after doing a good job and a small pay-check at the end of the month is just amazing. Do not get me wrong, I was at home for almost 4 years, and my kids almost 2,5 and 4 years enjoyed it as I did, but I went for school with and for a reason. I have some goals that I still want to accomplish, so here I am kicking back.
But with all that said, I realized it can be really hard to manage it all in the 24 hours we have. So my plan is, for me and also for you, to write about how to simplify our daily life to get everything done, from a daily routine, house cleaning, cooking, having the time for yourself, what's this? I will make a combination of what I have learned, read and what I found is working for me. Of course all of you are very welcomed to comment and give your tips and strategies of juggling your daily lives on. I will post every monday, so let see how you will like it and find it helpful. Remember, any tip or advice is very welcomed, so just comment below. 

I link up with the wonderful Sonja from Wert-voll, here


  1. Od vedno sem občudovala tok aktivne mamice... in se zraven spraševala, kako vam sploh vse uspe naredit. Meni se zdi, da mi že tako zmanjkuje časa, pa nimam praktično še nobenih "resnih" obveznosti :). You go, girl :)!


  2. Hey, schön, dass du dabei bist! Ja, ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass es bei einem (Vollzeit-)Job ganz schön schwierig ist, noch alles andere, was du gerne tust bzw. was getan werden muss, unter zu bekommen. Ich bin auf deine Ideen und Erfahrungen gespannt!
    Liebe Grüße, Sonja

    1. Hey, mein plan war über ein Essplan zum schreiben und dann sah ich dein wird über die work-life balance geschrieben. Ich hoffe ich finde antworten für mich und für alle anderen die sie suchen oder suchen wollen. Wenn es jemandem helfen wird, bin ich mehr als zufrieden! Liebe Grüße, Jelena


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